Leading Me Through The Darkness
Holy smokes were we high
Dedicated to my partner-in-all-crimes for the past 20+ years, mom to my wonderful artistic kid, and all-around great gal- I call her Hun ‘cause she’s sometimes terrifying like that. There’s a story behind this one, but you’ll need to track us down and, on a good night, we might share it.
Your light
leading me through the darkness
As I stumble behind
on the side of the road
Middle of the night
my hand on your shoulder
guiding me along
neither know where we're headed
lending your strength to my weakness
As I struggle along
in my own curious way
Stronger than the other
Afraid you might discover
the truth I don't know
that you may not try to remember
You're leading me through the darkness
With a glow like I'd never known
You're letting me feed the passion
With crops from the seeds I'd sown